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Contact Info

Phone: 301-825-1982
Fax: 443-279-2793

What is Rivers of Healing and who is eligible for services?

Rivers of Healing is a psychotherapy practice that provides therapy to individuals, families, groups and couples. Clients can receive assistance for adjustment issues, depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, family issues, and a variety of other challenges. Rivers of Healing is staffed by mental health therapists who provides developmentally-based counseling, assessment, and crisis intervention services.


Rivers of Healing also offers Christian counseling to clients who are interested in receiving services from a Christian perspective. In addition, Rivers of Healing welcomes clients from diverse populations and backgrounds; there is no requirement that clients must be Christian to participate in therapeutic services.

How do I sign up for counseling?

To sign up please complete the form at the top of this page.

What is an initial consultation session/intake?

An intake is time for you to meet with a counselor to determine if Rivers of Healing is the best service to address your needs. Initial consultations are scheduled once you have completed your intake packet and have forwarded your insurance information for verification, if applicable. Once you have scheduled an intake appointment, you will arrive about 15 minutes prior to your appointment to review paperwork etc.


The intake will be approximately 45 minutes to an hour. During that time period a therapist will discuss your current concerns and reasons for counseling. At the end of the appointment, the therapist will discuss next steps in regards to ongoing sessions, referrals etc. If Rivers of Healing cannot offer the services that best fits your needs, the therapist may work with you to get you connected to a more appropriate resource.

What if I am in a crisis? Do you offer crisis services?

If you are currently in a crisis, please call 911 immediately. In addition, seek out going to the nearest hospital. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is also able to assist. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. CALL 1-800-273-8255 immediately for assistance.

How is therapy different than talking to my friends or family?

Talking with friends is a great way to get support, but it is not the same as talking to a therapist. Therapists are professionals with specialized training in helping people who are encountering difficulties in their lives. They can also provide an “outside”, objective perspective that is different than what your friends can provide. Also, sometimes people worry that if they talk with their friends about their problems that they will be a downer or that their friends will treat them differently. Since a therapist is a professional whose job it is to help you, hopefully you will feel more comfortable being open about your problems, which will make it easier to get effective help.

How much do therapy sessions cost?

The cost for therapy sessions can vary. Things that may impact the price of sessions are co-payments and/or deductibles set by your insurance company, frequency of sessions, lack of insurance etc.


In lieu of this, ALL clients will be required to verify their insurance prior to scheduling an initial consultation/intake. This will equip you with information regarding eligibility, co-payments and frequency of sessions and any foreseen therapeutic costs.

Do you provide services to clients with no health insurance?

Rivers of Healing does provide therapeutic services to clients with no health insurance in addition to clients who prefer to pay for services out-of-pocket. Prices for sessions vary between $150.00 to $250.00 for 45min to 1hr sessions.


Even if you are not using an insurance carrier for services, ALL clients must complete an intake/referral packet and forward it to Once received you will be contacted regarding cost and scheduling.



White Lillies
White Lillies

Crisis Resources in Maryland

We want to take the time out to let you know that there are resources all over the state of Maryland that can assist based on your local county of residence etc. We want you to know that your life is valuable and we take that seriously! Please click below for crisis and suicide intervention resources in Maryland.


If you are in a life threatening situation, do not use this site. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a free, 24-hour hotline, at 1-800-273-8255. Your call will be routed to the crisis center near you. If your issue is an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
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